Early 3s

The Early 3s class is a transition class between the Toddler 1s and 2s and our preschool programs. Most of the children who progress to the Early 3s class have been enrolled in the program the previous year, so they are familiar with how our school works. However, there is no prerequisite for children to attend the Toddler 2s course.

In the Early 3s, our students learn to develop decision-making skills. Throughout the day, children enjoy cognitive work, art, dramatic play, music, sensory experience and P.E.  Students improve their communication skills daily and also receive Spanish instruction on a weekly basis. This focus helps them develop stronger social skills and helps them learn how to take turns, learn to share and develop “brave talk” so they can respectfully learn to stand up for themselves.

early 3s painting

The Early 3s students are paired up with buddies from an elementary class who come to work and play with them twice per month. Like the toddler classes, the general curriculum occurs in the morning, and they nap in the afternoon if enrolled in the all-day courses. It is recommended that children be potty-trained for this class, although some are not at the beginning of the year.

The Early 3s course has enrollment options including two days per week (Tuesday and Thursday), three days per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) or five days per week for all day or mornings only.