For many children, the experience of being away from home for the first time can be unsettling. Our mission at Awakening Seed School is to ensure your toddler has a positive and comfortable experience from the start. Our Toddler 1s program was developed for children between the ages of one to two years who can safely enjoy time away from home with the guidance of their loving and caring teachers.
The daily routine for children enrolled in the Toddler 1s preschool program includes brief group circle times, free time to explore materials and activities, outside play time, and, of course, snack and lunch. Our all-day program also includes a restful naptime period in the afternoon. Reading is an important part of child development which is why stories are read throughout the day in small groups as well as individually and with older buddies.

Our Toddler 1s Seeds learn social skills such as asking for a turn, sharing, being helpful, respecting others, assertiveness, and using words to have needs met. Our teachers learn sign language along with Spanish and have a deep understanding of infant and toddler developmental milestones. Children are generally in diapers in this class, although some make the transition to potty-training during the year.
Students may attend two days (Tuesday and Thursday), three days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday), or five days; either all-day or mornings only. For more information about Toddler 1s, our entry level preschool program in Phoenix, please contact us today.