Between the ages of four and five children begin to expand their horizons. We encourage this development in our PreK course by teaching our students to develop strong traits in writing, reading, mathematics and science. Our students maintain a journal, write notes to each other at their writing table and make scientific observations.
PreK students are budding writers, readers and scientists. Our students spend time each week practicing counting (in both English and Spanish) and start to learn basic addition and subtraction as well as the fundamentals of reading. Art is also omnipresent and typically reflects what they are studying with fun subjects like dinosaurs, the seasons, bees, the ocean, bats, and just about any other topic of interest.

We also spend time continuing to improve motor skills by providing plenty of time for our students to play, both inside the classroom and in their outdoor classroom space. PreK students spend time building block towers, driving play cars, dressing up, and mixing mud pies in their outdoor kitchen. This playtime also helps them learn how to share, take turns and navigate social situations.
The general curriculum for PreK occurs in the morning, and afternoon students take naps and enjoy free time. Students must attend five days, either all day or mornings only.