One by one, the elementary classes have dismantled their outdoor areas, stacking up bricks and other materials for summer storage. Most people don’t really understand the history created in these spaces. I was recently asked what function the outdoor classrooms serve, if learning went on or it was just for recess. I can’t remember my exact reply, but if I could say it most eloquently, I’d say something like this: “The outdoor areas are where kids learn about life. They learn how to be with people, how to get along. They buy and sell items with their glass blobs. They create and recreate the ideas of their wildest imaginations. They build a community and revise it for ten months. It’s where they grow their Seed roots into the earth.”
When I noticed the pots of mud balls in the 1st/2nd grade outdoor area, they brought to mind a most extraordinary class, many of whom are about to graduate from high school. That year, one of my last as a classroom teacher, I had a student named Betty who wanted to be a chef. She thought it would be a good idea to test out some of her ideas, so she made a little bakery cafe that featured an array of mud pastries. Her pastries were art from the earth and it was delightful to watch her work with such passion. She didn’t stop with the cafe. Once she had it running smoothly, she started a catering business, which evolved into a full-fledged “wedding” she staged. The point of the wedding was to learn about the catering business. This project went on for several weeks, included most of the class, and the only time I remember getting involved was how to handle the decision of the bride and groom kissing (which did NOT happen, by the way). I hadn’t heard from Betty in awhile until recently when I received her graduation announcement.
In addition to Betty’s announcement, one arrived in the mail from Sami, one of Betty’s Seed classmates. Not surprisingly, the outdoor area, sometimes referred to as Roxaboxen (named after the book by Alice McLerran) was important to someone else besides Betty. Sami, as it turns out, wrote about it for her college application essay. Here’s just one section of her exceptional writing: “Resourcefulness and collaboration became the greatest agents through which we could engineer extraordinary ideas and experience fulfillment through interaction. Our teachers helped us create the foundations of our homes with rock and desert glass, our parents joined us in our creations and contributed to our society with what we saw as their own investment in our growth, and after meeting the author of the original Roxaboxen it became apparent that our project was one that taught us to share experiences rather than teach them. In a philosophy that has resonated with me in all of my pursuits, the doctrines of our civilization portrayed a sincere appreciation for partnership and contribution as necessary elements of any exceptional learning environment.”
Both girls will be graduating and heading off to college in the fall. I’m certain their paths will take different twists and turns as they each grow into adulthood. I look forward to seeing how their days of mud pastries and desert glass evolve into their life work. One thing for sure, I’m counting on great things from both of these extraordinary young women.
Roxaboxen was a huge factor in our family choosing the Seed. We knew and cherished the book, we have a personal connection to the illustrator Barbara Clooney, and we’ve visited the site of original Roxaboxen on Yuma. When we walked into the school and heard the outdoor area called Roxaboxen, I think I squealed with joy! Endless joy and life lessons learned there!
Roxaboxen has always been one of our favorite books! Our boys (now in their 30s) had the pleasure of meeting Barbara Cooney a number of times here in our home state of Maine. Jon and Scotty created many versions of their own Roxaboxen in the woods here on our property on the Maine coast. Precious memories! How cool that Awakening Seed could carry on the message of Roxaboxen to the beautiful desert of Arizona!
While sitting in the DFW airport waiting for my flight back to Phoenix I was checking my email and saw one from a co-worker, Jenni Warren, who has a son at the Seed. Her email had the link to your blog and a note asking if this was my daughter. Naturally, inquisitive as I am, I had to check it out. Reading this entry brought back so many memories that I was literally brought to tears. That was such a special time for Sami and me. I think I grew as much as she did! I will always think fondly on Roxaboxen and the Seed. Sami’s essay secured her a spot in Haverford College although she decided to pursue her education at Middlebury. Thanks for the wonderful memories Mary.