Gathering in Gratitude

The days leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday look different from what they used to prior to the pandemic.  For decades each class selected a food item and was responsible for preparing it for a school-wide feast.  After a few songs with Jay, items like green beans, applesauce, quesadillas, cookies, fruit salad, mashed potatoes, and . . . Read More

Ancestral Remembrance

A bulletin board covered with paper monarch butterflies is one of the first things you’ll see upon entering the building.  It’s a group collaboration in honor of Día de los Muertos.  According to one source, “Monarch butterflies are souls of ancestors who return to Earth for their annual visit.”  On Wednesday and Thursday, celebrations were held, . . . Read More

Full Moon Movie Night

Last Saturday evening at the Seed was magical.  As the full moon rose in the east, dozens of families gathered on the Seed playground for an outdoor movie night.  It took awhile for the sun to go down enough to see the image on the screen, and once it did, everyone’s attention shifted to the . . . Read More

Emergent Curriculum for Teachers

We often talk about our emergent curriculum, especially with new incoming families. It’s described on our website as “an organic approach to learning that incorporates the interests and passions of children, their teachers, and relevant issues or current events.” We use it because “it offers children and teachers the most autonomy as learners.  Using an . . . Read More

Cricket Workshop

Like most people I’ve talked with lately, my heart feels immensely heavy.  It’s the news, the level of stress we all live with, and the fact that it’s past mid-October and it continues to be over 100 at lunch recess.  We have such easy lives compared to many, and it’s still a lot.  I take . . . Read More

It’s All about Tie-Day (and Tiles)

This week our main focus is the tie-dye and tile painting event on Friday.  For me it’s always an indicator that we have truly entered into the autumn season, even though days are still warm.  The event has a long history, about which I’ve written several times.  In case you’re new to the Seed or . . . Read More


I’m loving these new days of autumn, even though we are still in the upper 80s for midday recess.  After such a long, hot summer,  it’s wonderful to feel a breeze that’s slightly cooler.  The seasonal change has invited more time outside to enjoy our playground and outdoor areas.   While supervising a small group . . . Read More

Our APA Is Alive and Well

During a committee meeting, Danielle and I were asked how the year is going.  We reported that things are going well on many fronts, including our new flooring, our fabulous climbing structure, and the fact that at the start of the year everyone working here was a returning staff member.  As the conversation continued, we . . . Read More

Food Rainbows

Our food study has been deliciously successful this year.  In speaking with various teachers, several themes have been present across grade levels: learning about foods by color and what they do for our bodies inviting parents/grandparents to come in and share favorite or traditional foods of their families/culture making a connection to gardening and our . . . Read More

Sorting Through the Layers

First, I want to say thanks for all the kind words in response to my mom’s passing, the cards, flowers, and generous donations of trees in her memory.  My heart was quite touched.  In all honesty, my  initial response to her death was relief.  As this week has unfolded, I’ve moved into forgiveness.  I’m intentionally . . . Read More

Embracing Loss

Sunday late afternoon, I was heading back home from a walk.  We live in a neighborhood called The Pines, named for the dozens of pine trees planted in residents’ yards.  Over the past two decades, many of them have died and been replaced with more desert-friendly varieties, such as palo verde, mesquite, and Chinese elm . . . Read More

Launching Writers

My writing teacher, the late Donald Murray, once said that over time he found himself returning to the same topics.  In his case, two of his topics were serving in WWII and the death of his adult daughter.  His words drift into my mind as I notice I’m starting to write yet another blog about . . . Read More

I Couldn’t Do It, Then I Practiced

 There’s a theme emerging from our new climbing structure:  I couldn’t do it, then I practiced.  In under ten days, examples of strength, determination, courage, and triumph have shown up over and over.  It’s a beautiful sight to behold.   On the first day of school, one of the PreK students stood at the edge . . . Read More

New Flooring, New Beginning

We’ve reached Friday of our first week of the new year.  It’s been a full and energetic four days.  New students are settling in, class lists are adjusting, and we’re adapting to the increased number of students this year.  It’s a typical beginning of the year in many respects.  However, this year is also different . . . Read More

At Last, Our Climber

I hadn’t planned on writing my blog this summer, but this week was too good to pass up.  It was a different kind of week, with school on Monday, the 4th of July holiday on Tuesday, and the beginning of our new climbing structure’s installation early Wednesday morning.  Needless to say, it’s been an exciting . . . Read More


 On Monday, June 19, the Seed will be closed in honor of Juneteenth for the first time in the school’s history.  Now a federal holiday, Britt Hawthorne describes it as a day “to commemorate the day that enslaved Black Texans in the U.S. were finally free.”  It’s the longest Black American holiday to be celebrated, . . . Read More

Wrapping It Up

It’s been three mornings of celebrating each and every Seed child.  One class at a time gathered beneath our huge shade trees on the playground to honor the excellent year we’ve had.  Starting on Wednesday morning with the Toddler 1s students, parents arrived to join the ceremony, cameras in hand.  Their ceremony was an exercise . . . Read More

Shout Out for Gayle

One of my favorite annual Seed traditions started years ago and continues to this day.  Each year Changing Hands Bookstore donates a gift card to each of our Seed graduates, and the school matches the amount on the card.  It’s an arrangement that originated with Gayle Shanks, co-founder of Changing Hands, whose son, Michael, and . . . Read More

Bouquet of Moms

In every class there is a flurry of creativity that will translate into Mother’s Day gifts.  Without revealing any top secret surprises, it’s heartwarming to see such an outpouring of appreciation to the moms who are such important members of our community.  The Preschool 4s class held an extra special celebration in honor of their . . . Read More

Why I Continue

Yesterday afternoon I returned from a week in Nebraska.  Most of that time was spent with my extremely elderly parents, who are hanging on by a thread.  Still living in their own house, they are daily supported by my brother and his wife, and one of our neighbors who is a childhood friend.  The intention . . . Read More

Giving It to Life

I know I write about playground duty quite often.  It’s a rich source of stories to share.  On Monday I did back-to-back coverage for both preschool and elementary.  Although they were separate recesses, surprisingly similar themes emerged.  During the preschool recess, one of the three-year-olds walked by me carrying a pan and said, “I have . . . Read More

Caring for Mama

As Earth Day rolls around, we take time to reflect on our practices at the Seed to evaluate how we’re doing and what we can do better.  As I look around, one area in which we’ve improved significantly is with lunches and water bottles.  Throughout the school, children of all ages are utilizing reusable containers, . . . Read More


 On Thursday I was sitting under the loft in the 1st/2nd grade class with one of the first graders, finishing up the final touches of his published book about museums.  Although we were highly focused on his book, I couldn’t help but be distracted by what was going on with the rest of the class.  . . . Read More

A Hole for Everyone

So many life lessons happen in the sand circle. The Seed playground continues to provide opportunities that serve as a microcosm of the way the world works.  A brief time supervising the Early 3s during their Monday recess did just that.   During the pandemic we removed many of the pots and pans from the . . . Read More