I appreciate how nature often reflects what’s going on in my everyday life. On my morning walk this week I noticed a mother duck guiding her family of ducklings along the canal. I could tell she was training them in the ways of the water, giving them time and opportunities to find food for themselves. I’m sure, in her own way, she was preparing them for dangers lurking around their world. In the past I’ve seen groups of eleven ducklings reduced to just a few, and it made me wonder how many of her seven or eight would still be with her the next time I saw them. Seeing them swimming along, it felt like an important ritual of spring where significant teachings were being disseminated. A sense of immediacy was present, knowing the shift to summer is looming.
This time of year feels a lot like the mother ducks and her ducklings. We are winding down this school year, making sure all the necessary experiences and lessons are included prior to sending our students off to whatever is next. For some of them, it’s a matter of preparation for moving to the classroom across the hallway. Others, a few who at ten have been here since they were babies, will go to the first new school of their life. It’s a time of closure, celebration, and launching students into a new stage of life.
This week classes have held open houses for parents to experience the culmination of a big study. Other classes have been invited to be the audience for dance and theatrical performances. Poetry readings have been held, a Spanish restaurant for parents was successfully produced, buddy reading groups have teamed up for water play, and portfolios are being assembled to document each child’s year. The 2023-2024 yearbook has arrived, and last minute assessments are finishing up. In many ways it seems unbelievable that we’ve already arrived at this moment.
Next week from Wednesday through Friday, each class will gather one last time for student awards and, for the 2nd-4th graders, for graduation. Most of the awards ceremonies will be held out on the playground in a shady area under the large trees. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you need additional information. We look forward to celebrating your child’s completion of this school year, and having our Seed parents on campus to celebrate this precious time of endings and beginnings.