It’s What We Do

Grateful grandparents, the food drive, and a sand village were a perfect combination to usher in the season of gratitude.  Our wonderful grandparents group met on Monday.  After addressing a few business items, grandparents arranged themselves in pairs to discuss questions around the topic of gratitude.  Taken from Seth Godin’s Thanksgiving Reader (, questions led to conversation about role models, comparisons between what we have or haven’t had in the past, and how to help grandchildren cultivate a sense of gratitude.  As I sat there, listening to each wise person share his or her thoughts, I felt gratitude for the grandparents.  I shared that I’ve been grateful to them for helping me step into my role as an elder, particularly around the Seed.  I appreciated the depth and honesty of our conversation.  Toward the end of our time together, the dialogue shifted to generosity.  It will be the perfect topic for our December meeting.

On Tuesday we were scheduled to deliver our food items to the food pantry.  We discussed what we had on the table, along with the pros and cons of delivery that day or waiting another week.  Compared to past collections, what we had so far wouldn’t feed many hungry people.  We made the decision to extend our drive till next Tuesday and sent out a message to parents.  Within an hour or so, parents sent thanks for the reminder and food started piling up.

Wednesday morning, a small team of children created a sand village.   With a meandering river, bridges, and rock embellishments, it was an inviting place.  This project kept the attention of three-year-olds through elementary age students, spontaneously evolving as new students arrived.  Child-driven, cooperative, inclusive, and innovative, it represented much of what the Seed is.

These three seemingly ordinary occurrences, though separate, all represent parts of our Seed community that bring my gratitude to a new level.  It’s the everyday work and play that continually move the world toward a better place for all.  I’m honored to be a part of this community of caring, compassionate humans.  I hope you’ll all plan to join us for our annual Seed Thanksgiving feast on Wednesday, November 22.  We’ll meet in the multipurpose room at 11 for our gratitude circle, then migrate outside for a wonderful meal together.  Feel free to bring blankets or chairs for your added comfort.  And thanks for your part in spreading gratitude around the planet.  It’s what we do.