Over the past several weeks I’ve been writing about the playground. I’ve described its activities, life lessons available, and all the reasons we place so much emphasis on our extraordinary playground. When I saw these three toddlers gazing out onto the big playground with a student intern the other day, with their similar bikes parked . . . Read More
The last morning of January, the moon had all sorts of things going on. It was a super moon, when the moon appears larger because it’s closer to the Earth. Additionally, it was a blue moon because it was the second full moon in the same month. It was also a full lunar eclipse, sometimes . . . Read More
Monday’s playground duty with the Early 3s was not without its regular events. Children eagerly filled their pots and pans with water, dumping it out almost immediately so they could stand in the refill line again. Bright yellow truck beds with crusty sand formed a queue for a makeshift carwash. Preschoolers used their spoons to expand . . . Read More