On a Moonlit Night

Wednesday morning we had our first glimpse of this year’s version of the Seed’s Celebration of the Winter Solstice.  Stuffed into the multi with the dance area configuration taped to the carpet, one by one each class presented its dance for this year’s performance.  The book we picked, upon which the performance is based, is called Moon, by Britta Teckentrup.  It’s about the moon, the night sky, and “how every  creature, plant, and tree is subject to its mystery.”  The book is a beautiful tribute to the relationship we all share with the moon.  

Our interpretation of the story includes a migration of turtles who also surf.  It also has scurrying grey field mice, jumpy sequined jungle frogs, sparkly toddler stars, and shivering puffins with fancy dance moves.  We catch a glimpse of an African savannah with music and choreography that carry the spirit of that part of the Earth.  Ocean waves with buoyant jellyfish fill our minds and hearts with wonder.  Charming red robins flit about, and playful penguins stay warm, not by huddling together, but through complicated steps that bring the dancing part of the show to an end.  

After the dancing, singing brings closure to the celebration.  We’re super excited to include “A Million Dreams” by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul as one of our songs this year.  Jay and the children have been practicing it for several weeks and I have to say, their version is quite moving.  

The evening always seems to have its share of surprises from year to year.  One constant element s the magical quality of our celebration.  It feels like a miracle that children so young can work together with their teachers in a relatively short time to perform in the way they do.  This year’s theme is an especially strong reminder of our interdependence with each other and the natural world that surrounds us.  We hope you love the show as much as we have loved putting it together in honor of the winter solstice and this sacred time of year.