On Monday the Seed grandparents gathered once again. Over twenty arrived for the beginning of our fourth year as an organized group. During introductions we met grandparents new to the Seed and caught up with familiar friends who have been around the school for a long time (including one grandmother whose daughters are Seed graduates). I gave a brief history of the grandparent group and we discussed upcoming events in which grandparents can be involved, such as our annual tie-dye/tile painting day, classroom gardens, and the Halloween Carnival in October.
In addition to requests for help, we brainstormed ideas for meeting topics that could support grandparents in their lives with grandchildren. A few suggestions were: conversations about various aspects of the Seed curriculum, Love and Logic, and strategies for managing behaviors in public places. Once we get through the carnival season, we’ll dive into these topics to give our grandparents a greater understanding of how and why we approach early childhood education as we do.
In the mean time, tie-dye and tile painting day is rapidly approaching. Next Thursday, September 26, is our annual event. It’s a colorful time full of self-expression that kicks off our new school year and the changing season. Particularly the tie-dye portion requires lots of preparation, supervision, and clean-up. Fortunately, we’ve had an excellent crew of grandparents in past years to assist with all aspects of the event, and we’re hopeful we’ll have an equally strong group this year. Sign-up sheets for tasks are attached to the class clipboards if you want to help out. Whether you’re a grandparent or not, we always appreciate extra help, and it’s a wonderful way to get acquainted with staff, other parents, and grandparents. If you want to help and won’t be in to school in the next several days, please feel free to call Debbie at 602-454-2606, and she’ll be happy to sign you up.