1140 Olive Avenue

I grew up on a dead end street.  For over 70 years, the red and white house at the end of Olive Avenue was home to my parents and, in the early decades, my three siblings and me.  I am the oldest, and our ages span nine years.  Growing up in the 1950s in rural . . . Read More


Normally, at this time of year, we’ve already planted most of our classroom gardens.  Not this year.  With temperatures consistently still above 100, very few seeds have been placed in the soil.  A few that have more shade than others, and a small irrigation system installed, have been planted and are bravely poking up skyward.  . . . Read More

Worlds In the Wild

With a slight shift in the weather toward cooler days, I noticed this morning a group of preschoolers out in Gwen’s Castle.  During the warmer months there tends to be less activity in the space, but once it cools off, children begin to gravitate to that area of the playground.  The Castle was created in . . . Read More

Pasta and a Food Truck

Yesterday was 9-11 and I still have vivid memories of the day, 23 years ago.  It was the day planes struck the Twin Towers, the skies went quiet, and everything in the world changed.  Our world continues to have its challenges and bright spots. One of the brightest spots for me is the Seed, particularly . . . Read More

Full Circle Kindergarten

On Tuesday night I attended the Kindergarten curriculum night on Zoom.  I was there because my great-granddaughter is a student in the class this year.  Interestingly, although my daughters and two of my grandchildren went through the Seed’s elementary program, my great-granddaughter is the first of them to be a student in Kerri’s kindergarten.  Kerri . . . Read More


Around this time in 1977, my friend Anne Sager and I were busily preparing for the opening of The New School.  Months earlier, I was talking with my teacher, Erma Pounds, and she suggested the idea of starting a school.  As a young mother of a three-year-old and newborn, I said yes.   In the . . . Read More

View from the Top and the End

Today is our last day of summer camp.  The two oldest classes are preparing for their afternoon performances, and teachers are going over checklists for closing up their summer classrooms.  We have a few construction projects going on, and two classrooms are being prepared for painting.  One of my projects for the summer has been . . . Read More

Be Cool

This morning, while out for my walk, I spied this sweet flower in someone’s yard.  I felt fortunate to have witnessed how beautifully the sunlight shone through the petals.  Summer is a good time to slow down and stay open to nature’s surprises.  It also helps take my mind off the summer heat.  It’s hot.  . . . Read More

Five Years Later

Prior to the pandemic, we traditionally organized a summer community service project.  Sometimes we collected non-perishable items for a food pantry.  Other times we’ve collected toys and clothes.  This year we’re bringing back our summer community service project to benefit Chandler Regional Medical Center’s Eat Sleep Console Program.  There’s a story behind our selection of . . . Read More

Last Day

Sometimes it seems like this day will never come.  And then it does.  Today we completed the awards ceremonies for all of our classes and graduated our class of 2024.  It’s always a bittersweet day, and this year was no different with its wide range of feelings and emotions.  Even the fruit on our heavily . . . Read More

Preparing the Ducklings

I appreciate how nature often reflects what’s going on in my everyday life.  On my morning walk this week I noticed a mother duck guiding her family of ducklings along the canal.  I could tell she was training them in the ways of the water, giving them time and opportunities to find food for themselves.  . . . Read More

A Cause for Celebration

We held our annual spring picnic on Saturday.  It ended up being a celebration of both our school and Planet Earth. Although the day was quite warm, the energy and ambiance were so extraordinary that it was easy to forgive the 90 degree temperature.  For a starter, we had live music from Dr. Jesse McGuire.  . . . Read More

For Future Planters

I’m savoring these last few days of spring.  The mornings are still cool enough that I need a long-sleeved shirt, and the evenings make me want to linger in the garden as long as there’s still light.  On Wednesday night I sat on a large flat rock near our compost pile, meticulously removing dried peas . . . Read More

Creature Immersion

It’s been a week of living creature events.  On Tuesday, an injured black cat was discovered hanging around the trash can by our front door.  It had a collar and appeared to be injured.  Though our camera system, it was revealed that it had been hit by a car.  There was a bit of blood . . . Read More

Mystery of the Missing Lids

This week I had the most excellent opportunity to observe in the Early 3s.  It was during open centers, and there was no shortage of action or engaged activity.  As I entered the room, two children were finishing up snack, one sat quietly working at the writing table, some were exploring natural objects near the . . . Read More

Friendly Visitor

I can’t help myself from writing about the great outdoors.  It’s full of surprises, discoveries, and inspiration.  On Wednesday morning we were surprised by a visit from a neighborhood toad.  It was about the size of a medium baked potato, and didn’t seem to be in a hurry to go anywhere else.  One of the . . . Read More

Regarding Celebrations

You may notice the beautiful bulletin board in the hallway, celebrating the Ramadan holiday.  It’s part of a year-long effort to represent and celebrate the various cultures of our Seed families.  Prior to the Ramadan display being installed, I was asked to review the content of the material that was going to be used, to make . . . Read More

Mysterious Markings

I know I write about the Seed’s outdoor space quite often.  I love being outside with the children, watching them play in all the ways they do.  It’s when many of them are at their finest, using their imaginations freely with no adults telling them how to play.  Certainly we keep track of how materials . . . Read More

Garden Renaissance

In the sweaty days of August during our teacher prep week, we were approached by two enthusiastic parents about starting a volunteer garden club. It was a busy week with a long list of tasks and, to be honest, the gardens weren’t high on my to-do list.  Nevertheless, the pair had such enthusiasm, I found . . . Read More

Even In Our Neighborhood

Last weekend I was out for a walk along the canal by my house.  I was appalled by the huge pile of trash accumulated near a barrier consisting of styrofoam Polar Pop cups, recyclable water bottles, a GrubHub cooler, and a soccer ball.  I shared this with the 1st graders to remind them that climate . . . Read More

What’s Not to Love?

Energy is high around the Seed, as we approach parent/teacher conferences.  It’s a time that demands much of the teachers, as they thoroughly prepare progress reports and gather materials to communicate each child’s progress.  This season of  reflection on individual children helps us establish our path forward for the second half of the school year.  . . . Read More

Sifting Through Climate Change

Since I last wrote, my four-year run of avoiding Covid came to a screeching halt.  Mostly it  felt like a bad case of bronchitis, for which I am grateful.  I’m slowly sifting through the residual symptoms, and am glad to be on this side of it.  I now understand the brain fog piece, and see . . . Read More

Activist Training

Each year around this time, we learn about the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. and others, like Rosa Parks, who contributed to the Civil Rights Movement.  Although social justice practices are ongoing, this time of year is an opportunity to hone in on activism. I’ve always loved putting together studies, and the chance to . . . Read More

Here Comes the Sun

On Wednesday evening, from 5:30-7 pm, our playground will be transformed into a magical evening of light, art, and music.  This year will be especially fun, with our theme, “Here Comes the Sun,” featuring Beatles music.  To capture a glimpse of this extraordinary Seed event, check out this link.  We wish you all a safe . . . Read More