In It Together

On Monday we celebrated the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.  It’s an annual reminder to continue the practices he stood for that are a part of our everyday lives at the Seed.  Non-violence, compassion for others and ourselves, peaceful resolution of differences, standing up for ourselves and each other, being an advocate for those less fortunate, developing a strong voice, and seeking opportunities to practice social justice are just a few of the core values that are foundational to the Seed philosophy and educational program.  

Each class approaches this work it its own way.  For younger students most of the work is learning to be aware of self and others.  Similarities and differences are explored, and even our youngest students begin to learn how to use their voices.  As children get older, more emphasis is on learning and practicing how to communicate and use language to express needs and solve problems.  A wealth of support is in place throughout the school for children to have success in this area.  Older students begin to have awareness of the greater world around them, learning about historical events and how they impact our lives today.  They begin to see how they fit into the big picture and what they can perhaps do to be change makers.  

When I walked by the kindergarten’s mural in the hallway with a self-portrait of each child lined up, as if in a parade or a march, I paused to look at each child’s drawing.  I also noticed the title of the work, “We Are in This Together.”  It felt like such a perfect theme for this time of year, as we revisit Dr. King’s legacy, and reflect on our intentions as a community.  The reminder that we are a community and we have each other is comforting as we navigate the dynamics of the rapidly changing world around us.  The Seed has always held the long view for life on Planet Earth.  No time like the present to double down on our mission.    

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