We want you to know about our exceptional K-4 program. Although we’re just entering our fourth month of the school year, it will soon be time for making decisions about the future. In order to help families make the most informed decision about elementary school placement, we are offering a K-4 information session on Wednesday, November 13, from 6-7:30 P.M. It will include an overview of school history, philosophy, and curriculum relevant to our elementary program.
Advantages of a Seed elementary eduction will be discussed, as well as the philosophy behind multi-age classrooms. Our three elementary teachers will be present to give brief tours of their classrooms and describe how language arts, math, science and social studies, and homework are addressed at their level. We’ll also have a designated time to answer questions, in addition to talking about life after the Seed.
One thing we talk about frequently when describing our elementary program is the “intangibles” available to students that aren’t easily measured. Recently I came across some material I’d written for a presentation a few years back about our elementary program. The presentation was called “An Education for Life As Global Citizens.” The four focus areas specifically address the intangibles offered in our K-4 classes:
Innovative Learning
• interdisciplinary content studies that make accommodations for individual learners, allowing students to become self-directed experts in areas of interest
• rigorous education with a focus on creativity and innovation
Social Justice
• emphasis on community service, global citizenship, and leadership through projects that highlight kindness, compassion, and leadership training
Planetary Stewardship
• active engagement with the natural environment, promoting scientific inquiry, gardening, sustainability practices, and planetary stewardship
• involvement in a supportive school community that fosters inclusion and celebration of uniqueness
We hope you will join us next Wednesday evening to learn more about our K-4 program. Even if your child is a few years away from elementary school, it’s not too soon to know your options. And, of course, we hope you’ll choose the Seed for your child’s continuing education when the time comes.