Under normal circumstances, this week would have been a high energy time around the Seed. We’d be putting final touches on the dances each class was about to present on Thursday night in our Celebration of the Winter Solstice. Dances would be unveiled on Wednesday morning at the dress rehearsal where we were all dazzled and impressed by the hard work each class put into their dance. Last minute touches were being placed on costumes and props. Programs were printed and folded, as materials needed for the stage were gathered in a box for transport to the venue.
In the past several years, the venue was the stage and auditorium at South Mountain High School. It was a setting that finally matched the level of professionalism we had worked so hard to reach. For decades we’d held the performance on a gym floor, with no ability to work with lighting or a curtain. The auditorium with a real stage was a big inspiration to our young dancers.
As with many events, we won’t be performing at South Mountain this year. And with our decision to forego attempting a virtual solstice performance, this week feels low key and uneventful. Given the circumstances around us, that’s not a bad thing. With COVID-19 cases rising at an alarming rate, we feel an even deeper commitment to protecting our Seed environment. We continue to communicate plans and requests of staff and families for navigating the upcoming winter holiday break. Conversations are ongoing for how to handle the “what-if’s.” We keep our minds on the current day in front of us, knowing there’s a huge element of unknown over which we will have no control.
It’s going to be left up to all of us to conduct ourselves in a way that will protect the school and our families. You’ve heard it all, I’m certain, AND I’m going to say it again. Make sure you wear your mask when you are outside of your bubble of safe people. This means family gatherings or contact with anyone not in that bubble. It also means visits to stores and public places. Maintain social distancing vigilantly when you must be out in public or with others who might be particularly susceptible to the challenges of a COVID-19 infection. Wash your hands. Be mindful of quarantining if you show symptoms, and get tested as necessary.
The most significant way you can help keep the Seed a safe haven for our staff and students is to voluntarily quarantine if you’ve traveled or attended gatherings during the break. Our virtual program will be available for families who make this choice. For those who are able to return to in-person learning on January 4, we will open our doors once again. Thank you in advance for helping to maintain the safety of our precious Seed community. May your holiday season be blessed.