I don’t remember a time when using our voices has seemed so important. There’s much to sort through as we move toward an election that will significantly alter the course of our country one way or another. I have my personal opinions, of course, and what I’ve been thinking about is larger than partisan inclinations. As humans on Planet Earth, we are at a crossroads with our environment, the way we take care of each other regarding race and socioeconomics, and a virus that has created havoc in every corner of the world. Somehow we have to figure out how how to make life better—and I believe that we’re going to have to do it together.
When I listen to podcasts about climate change, the immensity of it totally overwhelms me. As I read books about the history of racism upon which our very nation is founded, it’s hard to see how we can possibly right the vastness of the wrongs. I can make a difference in my own little Awakening Seed corner of the universe, but the rest of the world and its problems are beyond anything my mind can fathom. I keep remembering that if enough buckets of water are combined, it will eventually become an ocean. That’s where I am about voting right now.
Over the weekend I “attended” an event to promote voting, especially among women. They repeated over and over the importance of having a voting plan. One additional suggestion was to reach out to everyone you know and remind them to also make a voting plan. Having the right to vote is a privilege and a responsibility. We vote for ourselves and for all the people around us who can’t vote for whatever reason.
As a part of this process, I reached out to Allie Bones, our most recent Seed board chair emeritus, who currently serves as the Arizona Assistant Secretary of State. I thought she might have some great voting tips, and she did. Her recommended ion is to go to Arizona.Vote, where you can get all of your elections news and information. Also, BeBallotReady.vote is a great source of information for Maricopa County. Allie says, “Do your part and ensure that you are registered to vote, your registration is up-to-date, and you are signed up to get your ballot by mail. Vote early and make sure it’s in the mail no later than October 27th OR drop it off at any voting center or ballot drop location by 7 PM on Election Day. In order to help results come faster, get your ballot returned early!”
Most of what happens is out of our control. I am coming to terms with this, and daily shifting my perspective toward acceptance that this is how it is. Rather than focusing on a specific outcome for the upcoming election, I am setting the intention that we, the people of the United States of America, will conduct ourselves and make decisions with discernment, wisdom, and grace. If that can happen, then perhaps together we’ll begin to bring healing to our ravaged planet. It’s time to use our voices for ourselves, and the future of the children placed in our care. It’s time for a plan…