This entire week has been one of preparations. Danielle and I have focused most of our attention on setting up schedules, staffing, and the calendar for upcoming aspects of our program. For example, we have been talking about registration for the 2023-2024 school year, considering placement decisions and classroom configurations. We have had conversation about the calendar, tweaking it each year to match schedules of other local schools. Our discussions include incorporating federal holidays that are in alignment with our social justice mission.
Another piece of the conversation is summer camp. A few weeks ago the lead staff met to talk about it and generate a theme. We came up with “Rocks and Rollers,” which will include subtopics such as rocks and minerals, rolling pins, balls, things with wheels, rock and roll, dice games, rolled paper art, and physical movement with rolling. As we’ve done in the last few years, we establish a broad topic and then give teachers freedom to develop an emergent curriculum from the topic that meets the needs and interests of their specific age group. Currently we’ve been working on the flyer and staffing for the summer program.
Along with fall registration, the calendar, and our summer program, we have also been planning for this week’s board retreat. We’ll be gathering on Saturday to review our current strategic plan and make adjustments based on progress we’ve made, as well as new areas we want to focus on in the coming year. It’s a time of getting ready for the work that lies ahead.
As all of this has transpired at school this week, I have my own “getting ready” process going on at home. I’m packing for my second trip to India. My clothes are rolled up and packed in small compartments, first aid items are gathered, and all the cords and plugs I’ll need to keep my technology charged are in their own little pouch. Since we’re traveling with backpacks, every single item counts. Next Friday night a friend and I will leave for Mumbai. From there we’ll mostly be traveling to the south of India until mid February. I have longed for this return to India since I left there in 2019. I’ll miss my life here, and look forward to the adventure that lies ahead. I’m definitely ready.